ABRplus Study (Administrative Burden Reduction)

Start Date: February, 2014
End Date: January, 2015
Client: Service Contract as part of the Framework contract on evaluations and impact assessments – DG ENTR

The purpose of the ‘ABRplus Study Lot 2 – Public Procurement’ is to analyse the institutional and practical aspects of the implementation of the Public Procurement rules in Member States, in order to identify factors that explain the observed differences. The study provides an overall analysis and description of administrative arrangements and country specific settings that impact the effectiveness and cost of Public Procurement procedures in a selected subset of Member States. On this basis, it identifies factors impacting the effectiveness in the implementation of Public Procurement rules.

The scope of the study includes the rules set in the Classic EU Public Procurement Directive (Directive 2004/17/EC) and the Utilities Directive (Directive 2004/18/EC) and the way they operate in the Member States and the EEA countries, taking into consideration the different dimensions of the national procurement systems. The study focuses primarily on above EU threshold Public Procurement markets, although below threshold procurements are also considered for comparison purposes.

A ranking of the EU Member States and EEA countries has been established based on a set of indicators reflecting the performance of national Public Procurement systems. Based on this ranking, the 6 best and the 6 worst performers has been selected for further analysis of their Public Procurement practices. In order to get this information, the study team has conducted: a) desk research to answer basic factual questions; b) interviews with key experts and players

Finally, the relationship between the country-specific characteristics of the procurement systems and their performance are analysed. The study then identifies factors that impact the performance or cost-effectiveness of Public Procurement for the supply (contracting authorities) and the demand (economic operators) of the procurement transactions.

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